Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Career tips: It's okay to be confused

Perhaps it is because we understand more at a younger age these days; perhaps it is because we are allowed to experience more than we once could have; or perhaps it is because the world is getting smaller and our horizons are getting wider.

Whatever the reason may be, more and more graduates believe that they should...no, need to know exactly what they should do with their career once they leave university. Because many of you do not, you feel you have to "do" something else to help you find your way before you hit the job market. Whether it is taking a year out to travel, doing a Masters degree or volunteering to save the turtles in Venezuela, the reality is you probably will not be any wiser as to your future career.

But before you throw up your arms in exasperation, let me tell you one truth...most people never know exactly what they want to do with their lives when they leave university. Your parents probably did not, your uncles and aunts may not have had a clue, and I surely did not too! It is okay to be confused.

It is okay to be at a loss as to the kind of job you should take on when you leave university for the first time.

When I left university, I had a job in hand with Shell as a Finance graduate. I took it because it was the only job I interviewed for and heck, it was Shell! So I took a leap. My career journey since then has taken me through four career moves in six years but I have definitely enjoyed my ride in between. At 28, I can say I've found the perfect career in a great company that I might stick around with for a while - because I finally understand who I am and what makes me happy career-wise.

Your first few years out of university will be a process of discovery. You might get a job that bores you, is completely out of joint with your style or is in a field that does not engage you. Remember, you are not stuck in one job forever. When you have less obligations to deal with - being married with children, for example, IS an obligation - you have more leeway to make a few career mistakes. It only becomes a negative mistake if you do not learn from it.

Your career is one long journey that starts with your first job. At each job, you will learn new skills and enhance the ones you already have. These skills may not be specific knowledge in, say, database management or medicine. But they could take the form of project management, client liaison or business development - skills applicable in whatever field you are in. You also learn more about your own work style preferences - Do you like to work in a team or independently? Do you have a knack for managing financial numbers?

As you go down this journey, your skills base will build and you will understand your work style better. With each step in your journey, you will be able to focus your career path a little better because you are gaining real-life experience in a working environment. Taking a year out is great to experience life and challenge yourself as a person in different situations, undertaking a Masters will develop your knowledge in a specific field and keep your student lifestyle of studying and partying one or two years longer, volunteering to save turtles will contribute to the earth and your tan line. But if you're looking to figure out what you want to do with your career life, it is unlikely that you will find it doing these things. To get this kind of clarity, it takes a few years living your career journey, making choices, and learning from your successes and mistakes.

One day in a few years, you will wake up and be excited about work because you are doing exactly what you wanted to do. Trust me, when that happens, it's a great feeling!

by Koon Mei Ching

Okay, so its fine to be lost over what a person wanna do but to actually be able to find what a person really wants, the person will need to job hope into a few job to gain exposural. The good point is one get different experience but the disadvantage is they will suffer paycut when they jump to a different field... Haiz "One day in a few years", this quotation is subjective as most people don't actaully find what they like till the end of life...