Fed has cut its interests rate by 0.25%. SO What!!! My counters still hantakaki ard their prices.
I am in a berserk mode now... as I am being defeated yet again... With the same analysis of prospective counters, those that I brought goes down! Those that I never buy, goes up. This is driving me Crazy...
Lately, I have done some analysis and felt like doing some contra on Ferderal, NOL, and ChinaAElec, but due to the facts that what i buy will goes down, I did not make those trades and in the end saw them goes up as what I have anticipated.... DULANZ....
Attempting to ease my drought seasons, I follow some of my Mentor trades... But seems that I have been cursed, of so many of his winning trades, I just kept hitting those losing one.... Faintzz
In this unstable state of mind, I begin to chase stocks in my watchlist like Berlain Laju.... but quickly withdrew my order as I know it will be a mistake to trade on emtions/impulse...
Haiz... Seeing my holdings without any positive movement is getting on my nerves...
CSE Global Ltd. (SGX: 544): 2024 Full Year Result
10 hours ago
Patience, noob.
You are right. Trading on such unstable emotions would only result in bad trades. Mindset is very impt, if you don't have confident of buying and keep thinking that whatever you buy will drop, then the universe will send you exactly what you wished for.
To break this, it's very simple. Stop trading, stop watching, just think positively. This will send postive vibes and will attract positive results - results that you want. That is the power of 'the secret', or the law of attraction - whatever you want, the universe will give it to you.
Might sound mumbo jumbo, but no harm trying. It works for me. I understand how you feel. Don't trade now lah, just relax for a few months.
Whew~~ a close shave.... Almost caught Off Guard.
I will heal your advices keke anyway exams round the corner also. Need to focus on other stuffs liao.
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